Ser Humano:
Según la Real Academia de la Lengua Española es lo: “Relativo al hombre”, una esencia dotada de vida, animada y racional, que posee cualidades físicas, psíquicas, sociales, dinámicas y éticas… Al parafrasear a la Organización Mundial de la Salud.
Un ente capaz de experimentar, conocer, sentir, discernir y aprender. El origen primario de toda manifestación social, adaptable al medio que lo rodea, si tomamos las palabras de Gordon Allport.
Siendo éste elemento vivo capaz de adaptarse a entornos disímiles y cuyas condiciones ambientales son extremas, por ejemplo: los esquimales en el Polo Norte, o los beduinos en el Medio Oriente, los tuareg en el Sahara, los aborígenes del Amazonas, los pobladores de Siberia; hasta en el Desierto de Atacama vive gente.
De igual modo se observa la maleabilidad y plasticidad de la mente humana, lo cual permite a cualquier ser humano enfrentarse a variadas tareas, y por su ilimitada capacidad es probable que acometa toda actividad de forma eficiente, de tener las herramientas adecuadas para ello, y sino, en ocasiones las fábrica para sí mismo.
Yo solía pensar que Persona era igual que Ser Humano, pero, si se procede a describir ambos, notamos que, persona en nuestra cultura, se opone a cosa y a animal, aunque de distinto modo, en cuanto disímil a cosas y animales el término persona se aproxima al vocablo hombre. Sin embargo no se superpone con él…
No es lo mismo hombre que persona, y no un hombre es ciudadano. “Hombre” es una expresión más genérica o indeterminada, que deslinda con el “Mundo zoológico”.
Persona es un término más específico que tiene que ver con el “Mundo civilizado” o, si se prefiere, con la constelación de valores morales, éticos o jurídicos propios de este mundo.
En el Derecho Romano los esclavos eran hombres, pero no eran personas. (Diccionario Filosófico Pelayo García)
Sabiendo ésto, es necesario entonces concluir que, un Ser Humano es física, emocional, intelectual, social y éticamente adaptable, a cualquier circunstancia, atado a la razón, o la sinrazón, a la lógica, o lo ilógico, procediendo según sus carencias o antojos, sujeto a un ideal de normalidad, a lo "correcto" y lo "impropio", es increible el mundo, lleno de tanta variedad, diversidad, multiculturalidad.
Human Being:
According to the Royal Academy of Spanish Language is: "Relative to men", a substance endowed with life, animated and sound and that posses the physical, psychological, social, and ethical dynamics... In paraphrasing the World Health Organization.
A being capable of experiencing, knowing, feeling, and learn to discern. The primary source of all social demonstrations, to fit the surrounding environment, if we take the words of Gordon Allport.
As this is a living element capable of adapting to disparate environments and whose environmental conditions are extreme, by example: the Eskimos at the North Pole, or the Bedouin in the Middle East, the Tuareg in the Sahara, the Amazon Indians, the inhabitants of Siberia; even the Atacama Desert home of some people.
Similarly shows the malleability and plasticity of the human mind, which allows any human being faced with various tasks, and its limitless capacity is likely to undertake any activity efficiently, having the right tools to do so, and sometimes the factory itself.
I used to think that person was just like humans, but if it proceeds to describe them, we noticed that person in our culture and opposes animal thing, but differently, as things and animals dissimilar to the term person approximates the word man. But it does not overlap with...
It is not the same man as a person, not every man is a citizen. "Man" is a more generic or indeterminate, which delimits with the "Zoo World".
Person is a more specific term that has to do with the "civilized world" ۩ or, if preferred, with the constellation of moral, ethical or legal own of this world ●.
In Roman law slaves were men, but not people. (Philosophical Dictionary Pelayo Garcia)
Knowing this, it must then conclude that a human being as a biopsychosocial entity: it is physically, emotionally, intellectually, socially and ethically adaptable to any circumstance, tied to reason, or unreason, logic, or illogic, proceeding according to their shortcomings or cravings, subject to an ideal of normality to the "right" and "improper", the world is incredible, so full of variety, biodiversity, multicultural, multiethnic.
Stratum ۩ ontologically divergent teleological qualities, where they tend to perceive more than they can handle, or are thinking probably more than capable of learning.
● It means the whole world of existence: the universe, mankind and usually the Earth. In particular, an organized human group: the Roman world, the Muslim world, the Christian world and so on, Or part of the Earth with common characteristics: The New World.
Etymology Latin (mundus, i), for the Romans was all that surrounded them, the world, the firmament, heaven, for extension: the jewelry, the female wardrobe, drifting into an adjective to mean clean (the sky was stands for transparency).
The first meaning is derived in Castilian: mundane world and so on; The second, toothpicks, etc. unclean.
The terms "First World", "Second World" and "Third World" are used to express different country models. Originally, the "first world" consisted of the capitalist countries, the "second world" countries were centrally planned economies (USSR, Eastern Europe and China) and the third world countries which maintained a tribal society. Today almost no one uses the term "second world", while "first world" is developed and rich countries and Third World countries is developing. It has adopted the term "Fourth World" to refer to the regions and the planet's most depressed neighborhoods, like many African countries.
Synonyms, equivalents and Matches: Universe, Cosmos, Earth, Globe, Continent.