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jueves, 14 de octubre de 2010


Morality is an internal matter that allows us to lead us through what we consider to be perfect for us, driving choices between good and evil, right and what is wrong, to the endogenous development of their very existence be subject to the power voluntarily choosing what to do, but nothing obliges it to take this or that way, in our intellect tends to experience an attitude in keeping with the time, taking into account possible within yourself, and estimated as prohibited by human being.

Such conduct can not be constrained by any external agent, as it is housed in the individual's psyche, its soul and externalized through our body, always oriented to the belief system that manages the person's performance is always in accordance with the rules and customs of the society where they live and with their own desires and preferences.

There are 3 human actions conditioned by this set of rules within each entity:
The moral (Positive statement par excellence, forging the individual nature of forcing him to be subjected to a level of virtuosity)
Immoral (Weaknesses contrary to the ideal behavior that violates the concerted, conditioned and influenced by humans),
The unethical (Negatives in origin as their adverse effects, tending to the inconsistency between what is to be achieved, the method used and the quality that was discarded, that is, a phenomenon performed by a person who does not judge any fact or event).

Differences between morality and ethics:
Ethics is given by a subject, only suggested, while morality is the degree of compliance with an array that holds the very human being.
Ethics is a part of philosophy that studies what is known as good and values foundation.
Morality is innate appreciation of understanding with noble purpose.
Ethics is always speculative knowledge regardless of their application.
The moral is put into practice all the time in a particular case.
Ethics is property of universality and logically defines the habits of each individual.
Morality is neither absolute nor abstract, much less general, because there's something about the thought of the feeling of each one.
Ethics states the principles of human behavior from the right. The moral precepts founded on a creed.

Descriptions to understand the moral:
Personal freedom: choice of every human being and this privilege carries responsibility for the domain of their actions in any situation.
2. Consciousness: According to the Dictionary of the Spanish Royal Academy is: Property of the human spirit to be recognized in its essential attributes and all changes which itself experiences / Reflexive knowledge on thoughtful things / / Thanks to which one does your
opinion about good and bad of its conduct.
Moral standards, that indicate a person the way forward, the path to go, and the final day to achieve.
4. The sources of morality, factors that influence when making a moral evaluation of the phenomena (intention, action, predisposition, conditions, cultural level, context and circumstances.)

Then, human morality is subject to various factors that may well undermine it or assist in its progress and ful implementation, it says a lot about those individuals who have a double standard, that is, the mere fact of an act in opposition to what they preach that be like: just, correct, good, beautiful, positive, profitable, or helpful, it is only hypocrisy, that is, pretending of the feeling experienced by the human being, in the hope that others will behave as it does that authority, an attitude that seeks an ontologically aberrance hierarchical or empire to the other without being exemplary in their actions.

Therefore, morality requires not only know, too loving, and above all do once and over again, forced conduct not obtain, with nothing to impose, coercion not suffer, born of that being.

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