2.- Estado de Aflicción: Cuando ningún importante empresario le da el visto bueno a la campaña.
3.- Estado de Congoja: De enterarse que va a elegirse por primarias y no por el consenso del Cómite Central.
4.- Estado de Consternación: En el instante en que le llegan las primeras encuestas.
5.- Estado de Desesperacion: Luego de la publicación de las reglas electorales y de propaganda, y percatarse que toda la campaña debe ser rediseñada.
6.- Estado de Ansiedad: Al conocer que su comercial es el menos creativo y más criticado en los medios.
7.- Estado de Incertidumbre: Cuando recibe oficialmente la postulación por el partido PEDIMOS.
8.- Estado de Zozobra: De descubrirse que el primordial contribuyente a su campaña está en la mafia.
9.- Estado de Decepción: En el momento que pierde el primer debate en televisión por culpa de una pestaña.
10.- Estado Traumático: Luego de saber que el otro candidato le lleva 10% de ventaja a 7 días de los comicios.
11.- Estado Crítico: Al percibir que los electores indecisos no lo pasan ni con agua.
12.- Estado de Neurosis: Cuando multan su última cuña porque aparece desnudo en ella.
13.- Estado de Shock: De perder todas las prebendas y privilegios que el cargo le brindaba.
14.- Estado de Anoxia: ¡En el tiempo que desperdició postulándose pudó haber hecho un doctorado!
15.- Estado Agónico: Luego de la juramentación de su oponente como nuevo gobernante.
*Cualquier parecido con la realidad es mera coincidencia.
1.- State of Anguish: To be nominated by his party.
2.- State Woes: When any major CEO gives the go-ahead to the campaign.
3.- State of Grief: To learn that you are chosen by primary and not by the consensus of the Central Committee.
4 .- State of Dismay: At the moment when arrives the early polls.
5 .- State of Despair: After the publication of rules and electoral publicity, and realize that the whole campaign must be redesigned.
6.- State of Anxiety: Upon learning that his business is the least creative and most criticized in the media.
7.- State of Uncertainty: When it receives a formal nomination by the party ASSK.
8.- State of Stress: Discovered that the primary contributor to his campaign is in the Mob.
9.- State of Deception: By the time you lose the first debate on television because of a tab.
10.- State Traumatic: After knowing that the other candidate takes advantage of 10%, to 7 days of the elections.
11.- Critical State: To see that undecided voters not support it either with water.
12.- State of Neurosis: When amerced because its last wedge appears naked in it.
13.- State of Shock: Losing all the perks and privileges enjoyed with that office.
14.- State of Anoxia: At the time wasted postulates could have done a PHD!
15.- State of Dying: After the swearing in of his opponent as the new ruler.
*Any resemblance to reality is pure coincidence.
2.- State Woes: When any major CEO gives the go-ahead to the campaign.
3.- State of Grief: To learn that you are chosen by primary and not by the consensus of the Central Committee.
4 .- State of Dismay: At the moment when arrives the early polls.
5 .- State of Despair: After the publication of rules and electoral publicity, and realize that the whole campaign must be redesigned.
6.- State of Anxiety: Upon learning that his business is the least creative and most criticized in the media.
7.- State of Uncertainty: When it receives a formal nomination by the party ASSK.
8.- State of Stress: Discovered that the primary contributor to his campaign is in the Mob.
9.- State of Deception: By the time you lose the first debate on television because of a tab.
10.- State Traumatic: After knowing that the other candidate takes advantage of 10%, to 7 days of the elections.
11.- Critical State: To see that undecided voters not support it either with water.
12.- State of Neurosis: When amerced because its last wedge appears naked in it.
13.- State of Shock: Losing all the perks and privileges enjoyed with that office.
14.- State of Anoxia: At the time wasted postulates could have done a PHD!
15.- State of Dying: After the swearing in of his opponent as the new ruler.
*Any resemblance to reality is pure coincidence.