¡Perciba! Sus sentidos están para eso
no sólo el apárato sensorial dispuesto a recibir lo banal,
sino, el plácido deleíte de lo intelectual por la materia.
La noluntad firme de mantener la plena voluntad
a ser sensible a la emoción viva.
Percibir con vuestros sentidos al estampar un beso
es no andar solo en apartado, señorial puesto,
al prescribir eso basal que nos es válido para denuesto...
de vahída télesis textual, proclama seria.
La soluta firma, ademán tenúe al dilema voluble,
hace sensual alarde a cuadratura activa.
Percepción son nuestros pérfidos adentros por el verso,
desnudar todo, un aporte al dueño del cuerpo,
un persistir exorable cuál no sé que caído, parco, escueto...
deseo herido, telómero sexual que reclama seña,
irracional verme, que además tiene el plexo solar, piel...
faz y capilar; agarre en la terminación nerviosa.
Behold! Their senses are for that
not only the sensory apparatus ready to receive the banal,
but the placid intellectual delight for the matter.
The opposite disposition firm will to maintain fulfilled,
to be sensitive to the emotion alive.
To perceive with your senses when stamping a kiss
is not to walk alone in paragraph, stately place,
basal to prescribe it applies to insult us...
of textual telesis blurry proclaims serious.
The solve signature, faint gesture to the fickle dilemma
quadrature that makes a sensual active display.
Perceptions are our perfidious inside by the verse,
baring all, a contribution to the owner of the body,
Exor persist no one knows what has fallen, laconic, terse...
desire wounded, sexual telomere claiming signal,
irrational worm to me, which also has solar plexus, skin...
face and hair; grip in the terminal nerve.
not only the sensory apparatus ready to receive the banal,
but the placid intellectual delight for the matter.
The opposite disposition firm will to maintain fulfilled,
to be sensitive to the emotion alive.
To perceive with your senses when stamping a kiss
is not to walk alone in paragraph, stately place,
basal to prescribe it applies to insult us...
of textual telesis blurry proclaims serious.
The solve signature, faint gesture to the fickle dilemma
quadrature that makes a sensual active display.
Perceptions are our perfidious inside by the verse,
baring all, a contribution to the owner of the body,
Exor persist no one knows what has fallen, laconic, terse...
desire wounded, sexual telomere claiming signal,
irrational worm to me, which also has solar plexus, skin...
face and hair; grip in the terminal nerve.
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