¿Cuál es tu modo de producción? ¿Tienes forma particular de hacer vida? ¿Qué esperas para mejorar tu posición? ¿Cuándo crecerán las semillas que aún no germinan? ¿Quienes detienen al sol en su brillar? ¿Cuantos podrían sus bendiciones generar? ¿Cómo entusiasmarse con las mejoras que propones? ¿Por qué aguantar tanto el tiempo como si fueras de él dueño? ¿Seremos capaces de superarnos en esto de actuar conforme a los sueños? ¿Habrá sintonía entre el material que obtienes y la materia que ostentas? ¿Será sincronía entre tus pensamientos y mis movidas emotividades?
Al menos las golondrinas siguen su vuelo, las vacas rumian el sagrado suelo, aquel pequeño elefante va recorriendo los campos, plagados de miles de monos y marsupiales, una manada de pandas van sorbiendo agua entre flores de loto, bambúes que crecen poco a poco, a lo lejos un dientes de sable le ruge al siberiano tigre, ladran los perros, ¿Será que las gallinas encontraron a sus gallos? Se ubican a su lado grullas que rompen los tímpanos, van ensoñadoras trufas cayendo entre ramas de canela, brotes de manzanilla, inflorescencia de azafrán, semillas de girasol con ramitas de cúrcuma, la diaria consulta entre abejas y zánganos, regurgitando mieles de azucena, anémonas y orquídeas, palmeras y piceas bambolean entre brisas que arrullan a gorilas, komodos dragones van arrastrando gran carga, majestuosos abetos y frondosos eucaliptos rodean los manantiales que ofrecen hidratación a toda la vegetación y diversa población.
Surcan los esteros los rinocerontes, tigres de bengala, armiños, nutrias y martas, mientras un puente natural permite el avance de conejos, ratas, perros y cerdos, y el león asiático alza su pata, saca sus garras y ruge como diciendo: éste es mi reino, el monzón se abre paso a través de neblinosos bosques de coníferas, que llevan hacia la taiga copada de celliscas entre centellas, unos yaks galopan con caballos por estepas, brillantes mariposas sobrevuelan las pequeñas sendas, y como todo es abundante, la gente es rozagante, se precipita rasante la compasión de la madre, la labor del padre y la imaginación de la prole.

What is your mode of production? Do you have a particular way of making life? What do you expect to improve your position? When the seeds grows if still not germinate? Who can stop the sun in its shine? How many it's need it to generate its blessings? How to get excited about the improvements you propose? Why put up with both the time and if you were the owner? Will we be able to excel in this act according to the dreams? Will there be harmony between the material you get and the stuff that holds? Will sync between your thoughts and move my emotions?
At least swallow to continue its flight, the sacred cows ruminating this lovely soil, the small elephant goes through the fields, peppered with thousands of monkeys and marsupials, a pack of pandas are sipping water from lotus flowers, bamboo that grow slowly mark the distance from a saber-toothed and the Siberian tiger roaring to it, barking dogs, I wonder if the chickens found their cocks? They are located next to her eardrum cranes, dreamy truffles are falling between branches of cinnamon, chamomile buds, flowers of saffron, sunflower seeds with turmeric sticks, the daily consultation between bees and drones, regurgitating honey lily, anemone and orchids, palms and swaying spruce breezes lull between gorillas, Komodo dragons dragging sustain a heavy charge, majestic firs and lush eucalyptus trees surrounding the springs, that provide hydration to all vegetation of all this diverse population.
Ply the marshes rhinos, Bengal tigers, stoats, otters and martens, as a natural bridge allows the progress of rabbits, rats, hounds and pigs, and the Asiatic lion raises his paw, claws out and roars like saying this is my kingdom, the monsoon winds its way through the misty forests of conifers, leading to the taiga fill of sleet between sparks, some yaks and horses galloped through steppes, brilliant butterflies fly over the small paths, and how everything is like plenty, people is rosy, ground rushes, amazing compassion of the mother, the father's efforts in work and imagination of children's.
At least swallow to continue its flight, the sacred cows ruminating this lovely soil, the small elephant goes through the fields, peppered with thousands of monkeys and marsupials, a pack of pandas are sipping water from lotus flowers, bamboo that grow slowly mark the distance from a saber-toothed and the Siberian tiger roaring to it, barking dogs, I wonder if the chickens found their cocks? They are located next to her eardrum cranes, dreamy truffles are falling between branches of cinnamon, chamomile buds, flowers of saffron, sunflower seeds with turmeric sticks, the daily consultation between bees and drones, regurgitating honey lily, anemone and orchids, palms and swaying spruce breezes lull between gorillas, Komodo dragons dragging sustain a heavy charge, majestic firs and lush eucalyptus trees surrounding the springs, that provide hydration to all vegetation of all this diverse population.
Ply the marshes rhinos, Bengal tigers, stoats, otters and martens, as a natural bridge allows the progress of rabbits, rats, hounds and pigs, and the Asiatic lion raises his paw, claws out and roars like saying this is my kingdom, the monsoon winds its way through the misty forests of conifers, leading to the taiga fill of sleet between sparks, some yaks and horses galloped through steppes, brilliant butterflies fly over the small paths, and how everything is like plenty, people is rosy, ground rushes, amazing compassion of the mother, the father's efforts in work and imagination of children's.

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